Are you ready to be transformed into the badass Virtuous Doula you are??

Virtuous Doula Training Is Here Just For YOU!!!

Sign Up Here!

Calling ALL Aspiring Birth Doulas

Are You Ready To...


If so, then baby listen...

Sounds like you're in the right place at the right time and you seem like my kinda person.

I am elated to know that you are here, because that can mean a few things:

  1. You’ve been searching for ways to invoke change in the world in which you live…you’ve seen some things that have made you wonder, ‘What can I do to change this?’
  2. You’ve been on this journey for a while and are thinking about making a conscious decision to take a leap of faith and become what you’ve always wanted to be…
  3. You’re curious about what a doula is and does and are thinking about becoming one yourself…

If 1 or 2 of the above statements are true, then you’ve come to the right place. People like you are looking to expand horizons and figure out how to fulfill the needs of your community by supporting them to give birth with as much support and knowledge as possible. 

Let's Journal About Your Future as a Doula Real Quick...

I need you to consider the following questions, and don’t answer them quickly. I need you to thoughtfully think about this. 

Seriously…get out your journal…and check off each question as you answer them.

  • What is your struggle with stepping into birth work right now?
  • What action steps are you going to take to make your journey a reality?
  • What is your understanding of the role of a doula?
  • Why do you want to become a doula?
  • If you had to come up with your birth philosophy right now, what would it be?

Do you have your answers?

Good… you feel ready to embark on this journey toward your goal of becoming a doula?

Become the Badass Virtuous Doula You Are!

Join me on an 12-week journey toward the discovery of a Virtuous Doula. We take a deep dive into birthwork through education and by unlearning everything we thought we knew and rebuilding ourselves to be able to support our communities in the greatest way we possibly can. 

Sign Up Here!

Here's A Word From Some Pretty Badass Virtuous Doulas


Carla Eddins

"I enjoyed the certification course to becoming a Doula. The resources were helpful, the teacher was open honest and willing to answer all questions. The students were devoted and open lead the class into longer sessions that helped us to understand the different experiences of birth. I enjoyed the comfort measures course, CPR course, and interacting with classmates to learn more about understanding the role of a Doula."

Trish Gray

"This course firstly was that of divine intervention for me. Though I've been in birth works for some time I struggled with when, where and how I would ever have time to ever become a doula. With that said I am eternally grateful for for this opportunity. Second I don't think that there is a more suitable being to have been the face of this training. Not only do you posses a plethora of knowledge but your energy is so welcoming, calming and invigorating. You did an amazing job getting us all ready and I am more than confident that your future prodigies are going to just as well if not even more prepared than this bunch... ❤️"

How's Virtuous Doula Training Different?


If you're the Change Agent I Think You Are...

Then you know already, black womb holders are 3 to 5 times more likely to die during childbirth than their white counterparts.  The statistics are staggering and sobering. 

And if I have learned anything about being a doula myself and having been doula’d by unconscious, unaligned, unaware, un-melaniated individuals, it’s that REPRESENTATION MATTERS.  Black men supporting black birth MATTERS! Genuine ally-ship and acknowledgement of white privilege and white supremacy MATTERS!!

It matters that the people we serve are supported by people who look like them. It is also important that the people who decide to support black birthing bodies understand the role they play in the perpetuation of a racist system and use their privilege to tear down the systems that use black bodies as medical target practice. We need dedicated people like you to help birthing people navigate this system. And if you desire to make this a career path, you’ve come to the right place

My goal is to make sure that you and other individuals like you, feel prepared to support black birthing bodies in ways that will allow them to give birth safely, have their autonomy respected, and afford you the opportunity to learn in a way that is not overwhelming, and is fulfilling.  

You shouldn’t walk out of a training feeling like you’re unprepared to support the individuals you set out to serve. We need people ready and willing to provide support to black birthing bodies.

And guess what?!

I think you’re just the person you’ve been waiting to be. 

You’ve been waiting to support individuals and who look like you. 


You’ve been waiting to show your ally-ship to those who have been oppressed by racist a$$ systems. 

I appreciate you for taking the time out to come see what I have to offer.

By The End Of the Virtuous Doula Training, You'll Be Able To...


What You'll Learn:

The Virtuous Doula Training has been expanded to 12 weeks of intensive training with 2 in-person comfort measures trainings and access to bi-weekly 20 minute Virtuous Doula Coaching Calls. The weeks are broken down as follows:

What's Included?

If you haven't already gathered, I want to make sure you're successful through your entire journey to and through doula-hood! Here's what you get for your investment...

Are You Ready to Become a Virtuous Doula?

I don't want you to have to break the bank trying to decide how you want to pay. So, I have 2 payment options.

One Time Investment



4 Monthly Payments
